The Magic of Giving Thanks …

and the treasure of reflexion. That is the thanks at the end of the day or at the end of a completed activity / task or of a project.

Maybe you won’t believe us that thankfulness changes your life quite simply and permanently. However, we can guarantee it to you because we have been practicing it for a long time already. Simply start with a few words of thanks in the morning, before the daily obligations descend on you.

Give thanks for waking up, for your home. Maybe give thanks to the sun, which shines on you or to the rain, which nurtures all the plants again … give thanks for the food you can consume, for means of transport and persons providing a service.

Whatever comes to your mind. It takes a few minutes, and your day starts with another sort of momentum – with consciousness.

You can start right away with your activities, or you can welcome the day first. Speak words or thoughts of thanks. I myself light peace candles every morning – one for myself, one for my partner and one for the people around me. Afterwards, I enjoy the scent of sage. If you make a routine of this, like brushing teeth or taking a shower, we talk about a ritual – do you want to try it out for some time? I wish you lots of pleasure with it. (Dirk)

It takes some time to change old habits. Many people say it takes three to four weeks to let new behaviours consolidate in your system. One moon cycle: from the idea to feeling the idea to implementation and finally anchoring in one’s life.

Can you imagine beginning right now and practicing giving thanks and the thankful attitude for a week or so?

“I am thankful, therefore I am – the magic of thankfulness “

Geseko von Lüpke

Mantras/chants which express thankfullness very nicely:

“Let me always remember to say thank you” and the bavarian variety: “Lass mi oiwei dro denga zum sang danksche”. Chanted by Sandra Götz

Giving thanks at the end of the day

Once again, you pause for a moment to appreciate what has happened during the day. “Don’t take anything for granted!”, we were told repeatedly by the Indian Mala Spotted Eagle.

We wish you all the best for your “reprogramming”.

Ambassador of peace 

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