… the Hopi prophecy says.
… so let`s rock it! Let`s create a peaceful new world together.

CALL for synchronized peace actions.
Currently: 11 am & 11 pm local time, wherever you are.
That way every hour, a wave of peace and compassion moves around the world.
UNITY IN PEACE is even more up to date in times of COVID-19 um so aktueller – everybody can do something. The indigenous of this earth have see it coming, what is happening right now..
Our vision is that more and more actions that contribute to peace take place at the same time. Together we create a network of peace around the world that is getting stronger, Many people are already active.
Worldpeace starts …
… with the first peace, the peace inside yourself. From this the second peace can arise, that with your fellow men. When your peace spreads like an avalanche, touching people like a virus of hope and more and more people join in, then peace takes hold of all continents as by itself. This peace is permanent and lasts for thousands of years according to the prophecies of the Iroquois.
“PEACE is not a sudden state, that just happens. Peace is a decision – made by every single person, spreading to all countries.”
Christina von Dreien
Everywhere we see that the world needs change – in dealing with people, the earth, resources … let`s synchronize our work and actions.
Unity-in-Peace offers you a lot of inspirations and tools for your path to peace. Points out role models, writes about successful actions, provides you with background from all different cultures.
We recommend that you let your intuition guide you through the pages. Just select what is appealing to you. That will be exactly the right message for you at the moment. Have fun browsing.
It is YOUR decision to take these steps. Find your inner peace, live it and radiate it.
Will you join us and create an island of peace around you? With peaceful words and peaceful behavior? That`s how you can become an ambassador of peace. We are sure, these islands of light will spread quickly as we all long for peace.
180 words for peace are already on the website and travel around the world. If the word for peace in your language is not yet there, please write it to us so it can also travel around the world.
THANKS to all of us being on our way to take responsibility.
Mitakuye Oyasin – ( Lakota for: We are all related)
Mirijam and Dirk