On this page you find messages and ideas in form of songs. Maybe every little cell in your body swings in tune?
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Indigenous people
A very inspiring text. The young woman speaks plainly. Peace without weapons.
All nations rise
Rise up 'cause now's your time
We don't have to hide ...
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Here To Love – Lenny Kravitz
We must all unite for we are one creation
We must join the fight, together we are strong
We must do what's right in every situation
Love each other's ...
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Sing The Water Song
Sing it 4 times - in each of the 4 directions:
Nee bee wah bow -
En die en -
Aah key mis kquee -
Nee bee wah bow -
Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey -
Hey ...
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No Planet B – Loni Lila feat. Luise
Fridays For Future Song
"Inspired by #FridaysForFuture I wrote this #FridaysForFutureSong for our beautiful earth. I hope that everyone will finally ...
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Imagine – John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band
From an interview about "Imagine":
Yoko: ‘Cloud Piece’: ‘Imagine the clouds dripping, dig a hole in your garden to put them in.’ This is not ...
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Spirit Bird – Xavier Rudd
with video clips from Earthflight series
Lyrics - Spirit Bird
Give it time and wonder why do what we can laugh an we cry and we sleep in your dust ...
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The Water Blessing Song – Nalini Blossom
Nalini has written this beautiful healing song for all our waters. Let's make use of the knowledge of Massaru Emoto for the benefit of ourselves and ...
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We are Circling – Saint-Marie Buffy
We are circling, circling together. We are singing, singing a heart song. This is family, this is unity. This is celebration, this is sacred.
We are ...
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Nga iwi e – Moana & the Tribe
Chiemsee Raggae
NGA IWI E - Support each other and listen to each other! Peoples, men and women, stand up, stand vigorously ...
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The Elderberry Song – Gabriel Kelly
Kelly tells us how the Elderberry Song came to him - the beautiful male score. Unfortunately we can't find the female part online. From mouth to mouth, ...
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GREAT SPIRIT – Nahko bear
Great Spirit take me with you, abduct me into the beauty, into the wonder of life, let me marvel, feel, enjoy, love, live ... all life is sacred. Mirijam
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Beyond – Tina Turner
Spiritual Message
In 2009, we got something from Tina Turner which we did not expect at all. What happens if a rock star, a member of the entertainment ...
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