Forgiveness – Acceptance

Imagine you are experiencing a situation that moves you. You feel restlessness inside. It won`t let go of you. You feel helpless, possibly extradited, ignored, misused. If you succeed in reflecting on this situation and looking at if from a higher perspective, like a big bird, from above, then in the best case you can see that you feel like a victim, make yourself a victim or have others victimize you. You can choose and look and feel what moves inside you. In the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual (Ho`oponopono) you will be guided as follows: „I perceive that I am suffering and that connects me to my feelings. I no longer reject the problem, but recognize my learning task … until the moment has come where I am ready to forgive.“ You begin to feel your share, your contribution, your learning task in this situation. As a result, you become responsible and can quickly get out of the victiom role. It`s really worth it!


„Resolve old issues by forgiving and letting go.“

Jeanne Ruland

The intention and purpose of forgiveness:

  • to live in harmony with yourself and other people
  • to live in harmony with nature (with everything that is)
  • to be connected with your origin

Go to “Tools” to find various ways to apply this.

Why does it need forgiveness?

What a shaman says about trauma:

Gayle Crosmaz is an elder from Canada. This is how she sees her mission: „I came to earth to share premature wisdom by touching the heart. Simple and effective!“

Gayle Crosmaz talks about how every experience is stored in the cell memory. That can go back ages. (English with german translation).

Ho’oponopono – „To get things right again”

The Hawaiian forgiveness ritual is an ancient method that has had a renaissance in recent decades and is moving around the world. It makes it possible to correct misconducts, to become free from guilt, victim or perpetrator roles and to clarify the energy field again.

Gayle Crosmaz: „Ho`oponopono had been used even in prisons, to clear the dark energies.“
(English with german translation).

Ho`oponopono Mohawk style

The following is a short excerpt from a peacemaker workshop with Jon Young. He talks about how important it was for the peace process to heal the traumas of the warring parties.

Jon Young

Aunty Mahealani about Ho’oponopono

Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry, Kumu ‘Elele o Na Kupuna is a Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) Aunty and Kumu from Puna, on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Aunty is a teacher and messenger for the spiritual voices of the ancestors within the strong lineage of na kumu, na kahu, and na kahuna (teachers, guardians, priests, priestess/ advisors, and healers) under the leadership of her ancestral Kupuna-Kane (grandfather), named Kaiwikuamo’okekuaokalani. This translates as the “backbone strength of the heavenly chiefs.”

Ho’oponopono is about acceptance. The lesson of nature on everything that is, is “we are because we are” … An ancient Hawaiian law, was always part of their culture, called “the smiling law of the universe” we attract what we think and radiate. … If we want leadership, take care of the children, treat them with respect. Time will come where they will be leading you. All things are in right place, right time, right being. There is a purpose for everything, there is a devinity for everything … Being in gratefulness, even for what seems negative, because even negativity is another lesson to learn by. … And at the end, just know that the light is always on and that we are all in the same kanu..”

Only as high as I reach can I grow

Only as far as I seek can I go

Only as deep as I look can I see

Only as much as I dream can I be

Karen Ravn

Dr. Hew Len from Hawaii about Ho’oponopono

The world as mirror

According to the resonance principle (law of attraction), a conflict always has something to do with yourself, otherwise it would not exist. Your counterpart gives you the gift, so to speak, of reflecting an unredeemed part of yourself. When you have recognized and said goodbye to this, the same situation no longer resonates. Because it is so important to clear the field again, the ritual of forgiveness helps you to do so.

Go to “Tools” to find various ways to apply this.

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